Hello, we are Sociomark.
Traffic Analysis SEO Agency

Traffic Analysis for Ecommerce Site

Result-oriented approach

Ethical SEO Practices

Data-Driven Methodology

Do you want more traffic for your online store? In order to expand your business and gain footing in the online domain, traffic plays a significant role. The more traffic you get, the better your conversion rates are. Traffic analysis is the accurate assessment of the data collected from different traffic sources to the website. These include traffic from seo campaigns, paid ads, and more! With detailed traffic analysis, you can have a better understanding of the visitors coming to your website, the duration of the visit, the activities conducted by the visitors, and why are they dropping out. Now, you can create pattern models, identify weak areas, and take action accordingly.

Traffic analysis helps companies to:

  • Understand the target market
  • Assess if the lead generation campaigns are working or not
  • Identify areas that need improvement for a better sales ratio


Accurate traffic analysis is essential for the overall growth of the online store. For this, you can definitely reach out to the best seo agency in Mumbai. We have a crew of skilled professionals eager to deliver top-notch seo services in Mumbai.

Traffic Analysis Approach

Divide the sources of the traffic

Firstly, it's vital to know the source of the traffic and the ratio. Irrespective of the reporting tool, you can check out the source medium and source to make that assessment. Understanding the different sources of traffic will help in assessing if investments in that particular platform are worth it.

Analyze the metrics

The important metrics for traffic analysis include page views, unique visitors, visits, time spent on the page, etc. Assessing these metrics will help brands know what is lacking and what more can be done to improve the performance of the website.

Determine the bounce rate

Another crucial metric that needs consideration is the bounce rate. With this metric, you can determine the percentage of visitors that are dropping off without taking action. The individual bounce rates indicate how well a particular webpage or website is performing.

Check out the content

Another step in traffic analysis includes checking out the content. Out-of-date content has a great impact on the traffic coming to the website. Moreover, the site needs to have an attractive yet interactive design to retain incoming visitors. Incorporating relevant yet high-quality content aids in improving the user experience.


Sociomark is a prominent seo company in Navi Mumbai offering a wide array of seo services. With the assistance of a team of experienced professionals, we aim to provide satisfactory results to our customers. Our in-depth traffic analysis reports help out startups, established businesses, and more!

About Sociomark

As we are a team of young, enthusiastic people, we are up to date with the latest market trends and know how to increase search engine rankings that can attract more benefits, growth, and revenue. This can be trusted to boost your online presence.

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